learnrname = "ObjectTypes2",
package = "DataScienceExercises",
🗓️ Session 4: Advanced object types in R
In this video-based lecture you learn about the most important advanced object types in R. The two object types covered in this lecture, factors and data frames, are advanced in the sense that they can be thought of extensions of some of the basic object types you encountered before: factors and special kinds of integers, and data frames are special kinds of lists. This lecture concludes the first part of the lecture about the basics of R.
👨🏫 Lecture Slides
Either click on the slide area below or click here to download the slides.
The R script of this session
🎥 Lecture videos
All the videos are available via this playlist.
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📚 Mandatory Reading
Read the following tutorials:
🏆 Further readings
I suggest you read these references after you learned about data frames in session 4 and data wrangling techniques in sessions 8 and 9.
- Chapter 16 in Wickham et al. (2023).
✍️ Coursework
- Do the
exercises of the packageDataScienceExercises
Quick code for starting the exercises
- If you have questions or problems, please post them in the Moodle forum
Wickham, H., Çetinkaya-Rundel, M. and Grolemund, G. (2023) R for data science: Import, tidy, transform, visualize, and model data, 2nd edition., Beijing et al.: O’Reilly, available at https://r4ds.hadley.nz/.